Happy New Year to all SPARKLETĀ  readers and followers, I hope you have made your new year resolutions by now. My resolution is being a tourist in my own country and sharing my new finds with all you guys šŸ™‚ i’m keeping it short and sweet as in the past I never really stuck to any of my resolutions haha. Be sure to enjoy your new year and go all out šŸ˜€ and have a fabulous 2013…



Gouwah IsaacsĀ 



This week has been one hectic week, definitely not one of the best… So I decided to do a post with just inspirational quotes so when ever you feeling down and gloomy remember you not the only one! You need to spread the love because life is to short to wake up in the morning with regrets and feeling sad. You need to own the day and make sure no one dulls your SPARKLE baby šŸ™‚




Never Give Up Hope

The End Is Just TheĀ Beginning

Shine Bright Like a Diamond

Gouwah Isaacs
